Insulation can make a huge difference in your energy bills and your HVAC system. Adding more materials to what you have or installing insulation for...
A powerful, reliable air conditioner is crucial for surviving the heat in Tampa. If your system is having trouble cooling your home, make sure to...
Anyone in Tampa Bay knows that your AC becomes your best friend when temperatures exceed 90 degrees. Although Central Florida is known for its warm,...
Effective attic insulation is one of the smartest investments a homeowner can make. This simple home upgrade reduces energy consumption, lowers your heating and cooling...
AC coolant, also known as Freon, refrigerant, or AC cooling liquid, is the lifeline of your air conditioning system. This remarkable substance absorbs heat from...
Sudden air conditioning failures can be nightmares for Florida families — especially during the summer when temperatures skyrocket well past 90º F. If you’ve attempted to turn...
We’re thrilled to announce that Air Hawk Heating and Cooling has been honored with the prestigious 2023 “People Love Us On Yelp” award. This recognition...